Revisiting The Yardstick Of Measuring Intelligence

Piyush Kamal🎖
8 min readOct 8, 2018


Irrespective of your geographical location and pursuit of specialization, there is simply no way to escape an academic environment obsessed & fascinated with the concept of intelligence.

In fact, how you are treated right through your academic journey is more or less shaped by your ability to showcase all your intellectual prowess — so as to meet the expectations of institutional gatekeepers.

And the credit for bringing test of intelligence in the form of IQ tests within the four-walls of academic institutions goes to Alfred Binet. In 1904 he developed IQ tests that were quickly adopted as a standard measure of intelligence. Although, it’s changed over the years however even today the underlying logic remains more or less the same.

In psychology, the study of intelligence is about how to rank individuals according to some cognitive ability. Whereas, Binet was just trying to identify struggling students so that they could receive…



Piyush Kamal🎖

Published Author Who Loves to Play at the Intersection of Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, & Philosophy — Sharing the Slice of Wisdom Not on Paper but Screen